DHEA, Superior Formulation 7 KETO-ONE, Dehydroepiandrosterone 50mg x 120 capsules Best Seller

Price: $51.99

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Read more DHEA, Superior Formulation 7 KETO-ONE, Dehydroepiandrosterone 50mg x 120 capsules details

DHEA 7 KETO-ONE is really a natural steroid hormone. For men over 40 a lot of age to change the DHEA that the body is don't producing. Physical Performance DHEA supplements are utilized as muscle-building or performance-enhancing drugs by athletes. Cardiovascular Disease A 1986 study found a higher amount of endogenous DHEA, correlated with a lower chance of death or cardiovascular disease. Diabetes DHEA restored oxidative balance in diabetic patients, reducing tissue degrees of pentosidine. A 2005 study (measured serum DHEA in 206 men with type-2 diabetes) found inverse relationship between serum DHEA and carotid atherosclerosis. Study "supports the notion that DHEA is atheroprotective in humans, knowning that androgen replacement therapy ought to be considered for men with hypogonadism." Cancer DHEA has both anti-proliferative & apoptotic impact on cancer cell lines. Depression DHEA is a cortisol antagonist. Research indicates DHEA supplementation comes with an anti-depressant effect & protects from cortisol overconcentration over longterm. Memory Supplementation improves mood & relieves depression. DHEA improves subjective mood & decreases evening cortisol concentration (elevated in depression). DHEA is associated with early activation of ACC & suggests steroid sensitive ACC involved with pre-hippocampal memory processing. Longevity A 2008 study (Journal from the American Geriatrics Society, June), measured serum DHEA in 940 men/women ranging from 21-88, 1978-2005. Researchers found that low amounts of DHEA-s showed a significant association with shorter lifespan & higher DHEA-s are "strong predictor" of longevity in men. Men over 65 A 2006 study supplemented DHEA (avg age 65) & found significant increases in testosterone and cGMP, significant decreases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-"findings...suggest that chronic DHEA supplementation would exert antiatherogenic effects, particularly in elderly subjects who display low circulating DHEA levels".

Product Features

  • DHEA 7 KETO-ONE is a Natural Steroid Hormone

  • Recommended for Men over 40 years of Age to Replace the DHEA that is no longer being produced

  • DHEA 7 KETO-ONE improves Physical Performance, Memory, and Longevity

  • Positive Influence On Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes, Cancer

  • DHEA 7 KETO-ONE Prevents Depression and Negative Thoughts

Price: $51.99

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