Super "T": the Complete Guide to Creating an Effective, Safe and Natural Testosterone Enhancement Program for Men and Women [Paperback] Top Price

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Karlis Ullis, M.D., is really a physician at UCLA along with the medical director of the Sports Medicine & Anti-Aging Medical Group. He is the author of Age Right: Reverse the Clock which has a Proven, Personalized Anti-Aging Program.

Chapter 1
The Dawn in the T-Booster Era

While We've been using natural testosterone therapies in my private practice for years, only recently has testosterone become section of mainstream medicine. Medical researchers have noted for decades with the benefits from the hormone, nevertheless its powerful effects have scared many physicians. The proven fact that bodybuilders and athletes took matters into their particular hands within the seventies and began using synthetic anabolic steroid drugs to boost testosterone levels further alienated the medical establishment from thinking about the advantages of testosterone therapies.

Then in 1994, despite much teeth gnashing from your American Medical Association and intense lobbying from your pharmaceutical industry, Congress enacted the Dietary, Supplement and Health Education Act. This groundbreaking legislation permitted the sale directly for the consumer of "natural" substances. If it absolutely was present in nature or the human body, the U.S. Government said it was legal to sell "over the counter," or with no prescription.

Although this landmark legislation might be news to you, you eventually be probably familiar having its consequences. Melatonin and DHEA were one of the first phase of merchandise which were released within the new act. Now were witnessing phase two: the relieve testosterone prohormones, also referred to as T-boosters.

What is the power of T-boosters? Because they're almost identical in chemical structure to testosterone itself, they could affect the sexual hormone mix of the body. When used intelligently, T-boosters and their related biochemical kin can rekindle sexual drive. In fact, if you believe that Viagra is a better solution to any or all your sexual problems, when you've finished this book, you may conclude that T-boosters (which can be obtained in a fraction from the price of Viagra) are in reality more effective.

If enhancing sexuality is not enough, T-boosters hold the ability to turnaround for the bane of virtually all baby boomers -- middle-aged spread. Taken properly, they could safely and effectively reduce fat and increase muscles in the method that no diet by itself can. Finally, T-boosters can energize like coffee but minus the jittery results of caffeine. They can also increase physical endurance, which, when combined with a pro-testosterone diet and exercise, may be a powerful tool in a overall antiaging health and fitness regimen.

Make no mistake: T-boosters are powerful supplements and has to be used carefully. Our first rule is all to easy to remember: Start Low and Go Slow. That means always start while using lowest possible dosage of T-boosters and make use of them as infrequently as you possibly can until a highly effective level is reached. You will receive guidelines within the upcoming pages concerning first on this process, but it's incumbent for you like a good student of sex hormone physiology to read and view the information presented here -- specially the precautions -- before taking any T-booster or other hormonal supplement.

The Search for the Miracle Hormone

Testosterone enhances sexual desire while burning fat and increasing muscle. Is there any wonder which it continues to be considered "the miracle hormone"? Surprisingly, not until 1935 when it absolutely was first isolated were scientists even certain the hormone existed, even though it had been the topic of speculation for centuries. History records that in 1400 B.C. in India, testicular extracts from animals were appropriate for improving sexual performance in men. In 1792 an English scientist named John Hunter tried taking out the testicles from cocks and transplanting these phones hens, but this crude experiment had not been successful. The German proto-endocrinologist Arnold Adolph Berthold began similar research in 1848 by transplanting rooster testicles into castrated roosters and observing their behavior. Berthold claimed the testicles made the castrated roosters more active and aggressive.

About fifty years later a French scientist named Charles-Edouard Brown-Séquard injected himself having a crude combination of guinea pig and dog testes. He swore that it gave him a fantastic boost of energy, increased his sex drive, and, in medical science's first pissing contest, even increased the arc of his urinary stream. Brown-Séquard was really a adequately respected doctor and medical researcher in charge of several notable medical discoveries, but nonetheless he soon became the laughingstock with the scientific world.

In the 1920s, the first organized and sustained research to locate this sex hormone began under the auspices of Squibb Pharmaceuticals at the University of Chicago. Led by Fred C. Koch, this team risked exactly the same ridicule that Brown-Séquard endured for his efforts. A mixture made from bull testicles was injected into castrated roosters daily for 2 weeks. Lo and behold, this mixture proved effective at restoring some in the castrated roosters' manhood. The research was repeated with the same result, and thus it became the first scientifically verifiable study documenting the results of your male sex hormone.

Testosterone Discovered

Now the race was to actually isolate the substance. A group of German scientists led by Adolf Butenandt was determined to discover the male hormone. This involved a variety of comical approaches, such as the distillation of twenty-five thousand liters of policemen's urine and mashing up two thousand pounds of bull testicles. But these extraordinary methods finally paid back in 1935 when a group of Dutch scientists isolated testosterone from mice testes. Later that year the German research team successfully synthesized testosterone, winning Adolf Butenandt a Nobel Prize for his work.

Since 1935, testosterone's notoriety has increased tremendously. The Nazis during World War II were consideration to have attempted testosterone on soldiers of the Third Reich to produce them more aggressive. Testosterone was tested in the 1940s for the wide variety of uses: to treat impotence, anemia, and low libido, and even to prevent muscle loss during dieting.

The first book on testosterone, entitled The Male Hormone, was published in 1945. This groundbreaking work was written by Paul de Kruif, a reporter with previous medical training. He described the prevailing unease how the medical community had with testosterone as "medical dynamite" and "sexual TNT." He argued that the strong sexual results of testosterone on men and some women made many doctors nervous and prevented the medical community from taking the science of testosterone seriously. De Kruif himself was a devoted testosterone user when he wrote:

Now I'm fifty-four years old, and there's much left to do. I've grown old way too quickly....Meanwhile I'll keep taking the methyl testosterone that now gives me the total vitality to continue working.
De Kruif seemed to be one in the first to suggest testosterone like a performance enhancer for athletes:

We discover how both St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Browns have won championships, super-charged by vitamins. It would be interesting to look at the productive power of the industry or even a professional group that would consider using a systematic supercharge with testosterone.
Advent of Anabolic Steroids

In 1956 a doctor named John Ziegler attended the World Games in Moscow and discovered that Russian athletes were using testosterone. Impressed by their success, he was going to give American athletes a similar advantage. His concerns on the many side results of testosterone were alleviated when CIBA pharmaceuticals developed Dianabol, a synthetic drug closely related in the molecular structure to testosterone. Taken in pill form, Dianabol did produce rapid muscle grow in athletes together fewer negative effects than testosterone. An additional advantage over testosterone was that it failed to have to get injected. Word spread quickly on the list of athletic community, and very soon Dianabol was nicknamed the "Breakfast of Champions."

Shortly following your growth and development of Dianabol, pharmaceutical companies started to develop more sophisticated derivatives of testosterone. A flood of latest synthetic anabolic hormone steroids such as Deca Durabolin, Anavar, and Primabolan hit the medical market. These new drugs were studied for a lot of medical uses, including treatment for underweight patients, for osteoporosis, for growth-deficient children, and then for anemia. And much like Dianabol, the use of these new drugs spread rapidly among athletes.

Synthetic anabolic hormone steroids -- or "steroids," while they would become known (somewhat inaccurately) -- were utilised not only by Russian weight lifters but by every country's athletes and in every sport. The biggest users were weight lifters, track and field athletes, and football players. By one estimate, one-third with the U.S. track and field team used steroids in preparation to the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.

By the late 1960s sports governing bodies succeeded in banning anabolic steroid use from most international sports competition. Usually the one exception was the growing and unconventional sport of bodybuilding. Despite the official ban, a tremendous percentage of these Olympic and professional athletes were believed to work with them regularly. Indeed, it really is considered that many world records set within the early seventies who have yet to be broken were achieved with all the influence of anabolic steroids.

In the 1970s many inside the medical community sought to prove the toxicity and ineffectiveness of anabolic steroids. At the 1976 American College of Sports Medicine meeting, studies were presented that showed a insufficient effect of anabolic steroids. Many of those studies were poorly designed and would later be discredited, however the prevailing mood within the medical community at this time around was strongly "antisteroid."

Crude techniques for testing athletes for steroid use were first utilized in 1976, and several -- although not all -- steroid-using athletes were disqualified from international competition as being a result. By 1983 extremely sensitive equipment for drug testing was developed, then when it turned out used for your very first time in the Pan ...

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